UFO sighting location: Mt. Fuji, Japan
Date of sighting: September 2010
This interesting daytime UFO video was submitted to me today. It appears to be some kind of stealth, flying saucer hovering in the sky over Japan.
This footage was recorded in September 2010.
Notice that the clouds nearby are similar is size and shape to this craft. There is a chance that it was having difficulty cloaking and was visible for a few minutes.
In the video there does not appear to be any other witnesses except the camera person who scans the area to see if anyone else was in the area.
The fact that it is next to Mt. Fuji, an ancient volcano, seems to fit the pattern of UFOs being frequently seen around ancient volcanos, most recently the CNN video of the Ireland volcano as a dozen UFOs flew in V-formation near the volcano plume.
These craft are often seen during sunrise or sunset due to the changing light in the sky, causing the cloaked craft to appear for anywhere from 30 seconds to 5 minutes.
Questo video che vi propongo è stato registrato il 30 settembre 2010 nei pressi del Monte Fuji, uno dei più antichi e famosi vulcani giapponesi. Altri dettagli non sono stati resi pubblici, ma comunque è interessante come avvistamento per cui vale la pena di pubblicarlo. Questo oggetto non identificato si trova immobile nel cielo e presenta una forma ad anello, o forse, potrebbe anche trattarsi di una sorta di disco volante parzialmente mimetizzato con lo sfondo del cielo. Nel video viene inquadrata anche una persona che sembra intenta ad osservare l'oggetto in cielo.
Date of sighting: September 2010
This interesting daytime UFO video was submitted to me today. It appears to be some kind of stealth, flying saucer hovering in the sky over Japan.
This footage was recorded in September 2010.
Notice that the clouds nearby are similar is size and shape to this craft. There is a chance that it was having difficulty cloaking and was visible for a few minutes.
In the video there does not appear to be any other witnesses except the camera person who scans the area to see if anyone else was in the area.
The fact that it is next to Mt. Fuji, an ancient volcano, seems to fit the pattern of UFOs being frequently seen around ancient volcanos, most recently the CNN video of the Ireland volcano as a dozen UFOs flew in V-formation near the volcano plume.
These craft are often seen during sunrise or sunset due to the changing light in the sky, causing the cloaked craft to appear for anywhere from 30 seconds to 5 minutes.
Questo video che vi propongo è stato registrato il 30 settembre 2010 nei pressi del Monte Fuji, uno dei più antichi e famosi vulcani giapponesi. Altri dettagli non sono stati resi pubblici, ma comunque è interessante come avvistamento per cui vale la pena di pubblicarlo. Questo oggetto non identificato si trova immobile nel cielo e presenta una forma ad anello, o forse, potrebbe anche trattarsi di una sorta di disco volante parzialmente mimetizzato con lo sfondo del cielo. Nel video viene inquadrata anche una persona che sembra intenta ad osservare l'oggetto in cielo.